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Our commitment:
Zero pellet loss
What is the Operation Clean Sweep project?

Supporting progress
Officially certified by Aenor
Medpack SL. la empresa logística del grupo Samar está oficialmente certificada por Aenor.
SM Resinas has been certified by the Operation Clean Sweep organization as a company that implements the OCS program to achieve the goal of zero pellet waste.
The objective has been achieved thanks to the great work carried out by the MedPack logistics department team at our Tarragona plant. This certificate places the Samar group in the community of plastics companies which are more concerned about the contamination from the excesses of the processing of materials for distribution.

At SM Resinas we are very involved in raising awareness about the impact that our sector has on the environment and in eliminating the visible footprint caused by our activity. Therefore, we want to be leaders in adapting these initiatives and promoting new practices in certain processes that will create a more sustainable future for our industry.

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